Tuesday, September 7, 2010

With Special Guest Star: Ashley

Hello Universe, this is my first blog post. Lindsay has plucked me out of obscurity to share my pearls of wisdom with you all. I'm raw and untested, but I may just have that little bit of spark that you are looking for. Or perhaps you will become annoyed with my shtick and call for my character to be killed off. Only time will tell. One thing you need to know about me is, I love TV. I love it more than I love some people (most people?). Homer Simpson said it best, "Television! Teacher, mother, secret lover." TV is the wind beneath my wings, but I've never really written about it before so this could get interesting.

My love for TV sometimes takes on the cynical love of a cranky Aunt. So don't be offended if I go off on a passive aggressive snarky rant all over something you hold dear. I'm too old and set in my ways to change now. I'm 27 which is almost 30. In internet years that's like 180 years old. For example let's take Lindsay's last post about Heroes, which I agree with. Heroes would have been amazing if it had only lasted one season. Cranky Aunt me would say, "Heroes you really ended up screwing the pooch. Say what you will about your brother Lost, but at least he tried!" I yell and hit TV about the head because I love it and know it can do better. Like any crazy old Aunt I do have my favourite nieces and nephews, which I lavish with praise and hard candies.

I'm a big nerd so the fastest way to my heart is to show me a ghost or an alien. I have watched every series, season, and movie of Star Trek. I'm even an Enterprise apologist (except for that shit finale, season 4 was awesome Trek, people!) My dvd collection, contains Buffy, Angel, Supernatural, Dr. Who, and Torchwood. As you may have deduced from the extra 'u' in favourite, I am Canadian. The location and lack of good cable has left me cut off from many exciting shows. My too watch list seems to keep growing. Thankfully Netflix has promised to come to my barbaric frozen land to gift me with it's streaming goodness, legally and virus free. I should have a lot to write about. Lindsay and I have bonded over our mutual love of TV. We can talk about any episode of any given show for hours on end, so I hope we amuse you all at least half as much as we amuse each other.

Until next time dear readers. Random bat-time, same bat-channel. 


  1. Kill her off! Kill her off!

    I mean... errrr... yay Ashley?

  2. Thanks for reading gibberished! Maybe if I develop a catch phrase it will broaden my appeal. "You betcha!" No that's taken. I'll think of something.
